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Stepp Cemetery at Morgan-Monroe State Forest - Martinsville IN Real Haunt

  • 6220 Forest Road
  • Martinsville, IN
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Numerous stories exist around this cemetery that all point to it being haunted. Some say an apparition of an old woman roams the grounds. Legends has it that her German Shepherd was hung from a tree by fraternity boys, as a result, she (being a witch) cursed the boys and cemetery. Another ghost of a mother also exists here. Her infant boy was killed by a car and over taken by her grief, she spent her remaining days at the cemetery talking and singing to her son by a tree. Some say they've heard soft cries and singing near the boy's grave.
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  • Stepp cemetery

    I went over night but nothing I saw nothing. Felt something evp recorded something but no actual manifestation of spirits . I am a demonologist, and paranormal investigator, but my findings where calm and collected

    Posted 8/23/24

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  • Women in white

    October in 2015 me and 3 of my buddies decided to go to Stepp. None of us had ever been but had we all had a wild hair that night. I drove and when we got to the trail we thought we were supposed to take we drove past it so I (driving) stopped and made a 3 point turn in the middle of the road. When the head lights shined into the woods all 4 of us in the car saw a lady dressed in all white. I slammed through reverse and drive as quick as I could and by the time we got completely turned around the lady had somehow made it from the edge of the trees to the passenger door. She was reaching for the door handle by the time i was able to gun it out of there

    Posted 6/1/24

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  • Scary as fuck

    Do not go will be haunted the rest of your life beware

    Posted 4/1/24

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    I was working 2nd shift and after work decided to squirrel hunt and parked my car at the gate that has a trail to the cemetery and this trail goes far beyond the cemetery into the forest where I was going to hunt but stopped at the cemetery and used my flashlight to look at some of the old graves and I sat down on the ground leaned back against a tombstone and fell asleep in an instant! I woke up when the sun hit my face through the trees. My shotgun was across my lap. I experienced nothing but a deep 6 hour sleep! That was in the late 1970's and before I knew the history of Stepp Cemetery. I have been back many times and it always felt different after I found out that it was supposed to be haunted. I do believe something is there, I have felt it however I haven't seen anything out of the ordinary. In reality, it may just be my imagination and I think there have been a lot more vandals there than actual ghosts but one thing is definite, I won't ever get caught sleeping there at night again. Something is there, I have felt it both during the day and after dark. It's a beautiful serene cemetery especially in the late fall and I hope visitors will respect it and the dead. DNR and Conservation Officers will not be happy if you're seen there after 11:00 PM - fair warning - they can be scarier than the ghost Lady in Black guarding Baby Lester's grave.

    Posted 1/6/21

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    3 out of 3 found this review helpful

  • Stepp Cemetery

    I visited Stepp Cemetery on 9/30/20 around 7pm. As this cemetery is been consecrated as Holy Ground, I had no qualms about being out there alone. I did have the sense of being watched, and heard many sounds like small animals running through the surrounding trees, my photos didn't reveal anything except what vandals have done to the stone marker at the front of the cemetery. However, when I got back to my car, and drove about a mile and a half toward Bean Blossom Road, I saw a young man, dressed in a black, long sleeved dress shirt and black dress pants walking on the left side of the road. His hair was coal black and his skin was pale white. I didn't stop because I was alone. I couldn't help but think that this was highly unusual, considering he was walking in the middle of the forest.

    Posted 10/1/20

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    5 out of 5 found this review helpful

  • What is my story of life.

    I went there years ago as a teenager and supposedly if you get to the top of the hill after counting the steps you will see your last name on a tombstone...I did as soon as I hit the top and then there was a stump that I set on after I seen it and freaked out ..then my idiot friends ended up taking a stone which I wasn't aware until we made it home ...I wonder if everything I am experiencing as an adult has to do with this somehow...makes your mind really wonder.wish I knew

    Posted 9/4/20

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    2 out of 5 found this review helpful

  • Creeper Out

    I just wrote a comment but I am so creeped out even thinking about Morgan Monroe state forest don't go there... The woman actually existed she was a witch and I'm sure she still there don't go there a lot of missing people in that state forest.. I don't live in this area anymore I'm just visiting but it still creeps me out and thank God I live in another state...

    Posted 9/1/20

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    1 out of 2 found this review helpful

  • Never go to Morgan Monroe State Forrest

    The which lived there in a decrypt and old house or should I say shaq..Went there when I was a child back in the sixties and I will never go back I will never step foot in Morgan Monroe state forest ever again. Not any time on the day especially Eve .. or early morn .or anytime NEVER AGAIN...??????

    Posted 9/1/20

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    1 out of 3 found this review helpful

  • Calm and peaceful..Beautiful

    Went there for the first time today! Nothing unusual happened but was very sadden to see all the vandalism on the headstones :( This place truly needs some TLC

    Posted 8/13/20

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    1 out of 1 found this review helpful

  • Scary shit

    Saw some scary shit and hit the dip when we could saw a ritually happening with some people in robes and we weren’t sticking around for that so we left. Scary af

    Posted 7/10/20

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  • Stepp Cemetery ghost sighting

    I went to Stepp Cemetery with a few friends about 13 or 14 years ago when i was going to school in Bloomington. We went out there on a saturday night, just to check it out. We got there, and shortly after, another group of people that we didnt know showed up. We walked around the cemetery for a while, just kind of admiring the headstones and just kind of soaking it all in. We didnt really talk to each other too much while we were there, however the other group was pretty noisy. We decided to leave, and i began leading us down the path back to the road. All of a sudden, i saw a pair of child-sized legs in brown knickers run across the path about 6 feet in front of me, form the left side to the right side. All i saw were the legs between the waist and ankles. Each leg and the waist just kind of ended in a sort of fade. I jumped back a little as soon as i saw it, and my friends asked me what happened. I told them what i saw, but i was apparently the only one who saw them. Overall, i was more excited at actually seeing a partial spirit than i was scared. I never felt any kind of fear there. Very calm place when the visitors are respectful.

    Posted 6/17/20

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  • Calm and Peaceful Place

    Went here recently as I am a cemetery historian. This is a calm and peaceful place that gets a bad rap. There is nothing strange or frightening here. The "Warlock's Chair" is long gone, having been removed. Baby Lester's grave was replaced by a new one as someone had stolen the original. All that seems to have happened here in the past are a bunch of disrespectful people that enjoy vandalizing cemeteries. Yes, a child died and was buried here (more than one) and yes, the mother likely did come and grieve, but there are no ghosts here. Just those of one's imagination. It is a place of families (current burials to 2019) and soldiers (War of 1812) and is to be revered.

    Posted 6/15/20

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    7 out of 8 found this review helpful

  • She Is Not A Lady (Demonic)

    My girlfriend and I, went to the cemetery the other days. I saw shadows, however, she the lady. After feeling that our backs were burning we decided to leave as leaving my girlfriend was pushed. I went home and found scratches and bruises on each other’s back. I will not be returning as she followed us out. She appeared different and dark. If going be sure to leave a present at Lesters grave.

    Posted 6/2/20

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  • Demonic not ghostly experience.

    This is a hot spot for demonic activity. Heard and recorded many noises. Heavy steps that could be felt in the ground, low growl, heavy breathing clearly not human in nature, returned whistle sounds, a baby crying, many orbs, shadow figures, and lastly a very solid looking figure in a black dress that was absolutely not a lady, but rather a demon as I got a very clear look at the face before being knocked out. Upon regaining consciousness the car doors would unlock. They simply made a whining noise as if being restrained. If you want activity this place is a sure bet. I don't mess with demonic activity, so I will not return!

    Posted 5/14/20

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    2 out of 2 found this review helpful

  • Step cemetery

    Went there a few years back. Got a strange feeling like being watched. After leaving drove a few minutes seen a ghost waking along the road he looked 50 or 60 I seen he had no face. Then about two weeks later I seen a dog ghost run across the trail that leads to the cemetery. Looking like a beast. Sure is a creepy place.

    Posted 5/9/20

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    3 out of 3 found this review helpful

  • German shepherd hung at cemetery 100% actually happened

    The story of the German shepherd isn't legend, its 100% true (whether or not it was frat boys that were cursed by a witch is another story.) My dad grew up in the area & in the fall of 1966 him, his younger sister & her friend went to the cemetery for kicks because even back then it was purported to be haunted by a woman in white. As they approached the entrance, they were stopped by police. They were later told by police that they were investigating the area after finding a German shepherd that had been stabbed multiple times & hung by its neck from a tree. My dad never said if they found out who did it or why, but it's definitely not a legend, it happened.

    Posted 11/11/18

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    8 out of 8 found this review helpful

  • Stepp Cemetery

    Our I. P. S. ( Indiana Paranormal Service ), Went to Stepp Cemetery several times and will go back many times in the future. We have caught much paranormal on tape and photos. All the stores seem to be true, at least all you read here. I. P. S. Is for real and truthful. We do not try to deceive or trick anyone. Our services are free. We believe you because we be!ieve we can help you.

    Posted 10/13/18

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    9 out of 10 found this review helpful

  • Stepp Cemetery Ghost of Drunk Man

    I took many pictures at Stepp Cemetery. Some of my pictues seems to back up the stories of Stepp Cemetery. THE WOMAN IN BLACK, THE DOG THAT WAS HUNGED, and many of smokey ghostly photos. ALSO i got a picture of a Ghost Man laying up against a nhead stone. He had a guiter in his lap. He was looking stright at me. It seem a drunk man went to Stepp Cemetery to play for the dead , and when he died they burry him there.

    Posted 9/7/18

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    5 out of 5 found this review helpful

  • Lived in area all my life

    I have been interested in haunted places since I was young. I was lucky enough to have lived close to this place for so long. I have been to this cemetery dozens of times. I have been there during the day and at 3am. I have seen and heard several things that could have been paranormal activity but I really don't know. With that being said I do believe that something is there I just don't know what.

    Posted 6/13/18

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    6 out of 7 found this review helpful

  • The other cemetery

    Back in the day, we use to go out here a lot. It was fun but we never saw anything. It was more our minds playing tricks on us. But one time we went out there and got lost trying to get back. We stumbled across another cemetery close to Stepp. Now that one was way more creepy than Stepp. There is a statue of a soldier there that no matter where you are in the cemetery looks and feels like he is watching you. How his eyes are made just creeps you out. And the story we heard is if you don't put a penny down then bad things will happen. We didn't know that and once we got back to our cars 2 of the 3 cars wouldn't start.

    Posted 2/28/16

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    7 out of 8 found this review helpful

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Last edit to this listing: 8/3/2015 (3486 days ago)

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