Reeder Road - Real Griffith Haunt

- Reeder Road
- Griffith, IN
- Average Review
- (20 reviews)
- Listing Categories
- Real Haunted Bridges & Overpasses, Real Haunted Places, Real Haunted Roads & Highways
- Open To Public
- Yes - Open To Public
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- Stallbohm-Kaske House4.5 miles away
- Carolina Street Demon House5.1 miles away
- Crown Point Sheriff's House and Jail8.4 miles away
- Whihala Beach10.6 miles away
- Wolf Mansion - Josephus Wolf House14.0 miles away
- Lake Prairie Cemetery16.4 miles away
Recently Shared Experiences & Comments
Share Your Experiencesmore unsettling than scary
my friends and I went last night, the trail is hard to get to if you drive, as there’s no real parking anymore, at least where we ended up entering. we walked at night and felt more unsettled than scared, but some of us heard phantom footsteps run up behind us and screams within the woods. at one point, the trail splits and we went left (the right seemed to lead to a house), which led to a pond and what seemed farther down to be a neighborhood, but we turned back there. it’s creepy at night and cool to walk once or twice, but overall not extremely paranormal.
Posted 5/5/241 out of 1 found this review helpful
There's more out there than haunted things going on
In late 70s Reeder rd use go all way through we raced on it all time one night about 10 30 1979 was racing win ran across snake I could not see head or tail two lane road that was at least 20 feet wide there only two types snakes that can get that big
Posted 3/9/241 out of 1 found this review helpful
Seen Orbs
Went to this road at around 7-8pm around Halloween and i took my brand new gopro with and i recorded and panned the camera around a bit. Later i check out the footage and i see red orbs everywhere. Very Creepy
Posted 10/30/232 out of 3 found this review helpful
Strange sounds and fog seeping in…
Me and two of my friends went to reeder road where we seen a car behind us disappeared disappeared by how foggy it had became when we arrived. We instantly decided to park up and step out. First think I noticed it was dead quite but I felt like something was right in front of me. Then I heard something walking towards me in the distance but I couldn’t see what it was and it kept getting closer and closer. Great experience. Super creepy.
Posted 9/9/231 out of 3 found this review helpful
I just the scariest experience of my life. I went on this road with one of my best buds Isaac. We unlocked all the doors and rolled down the windows and called Elizabeth’s name. All the sudden she climbs out of the swamp and pull me out of the car. Swamp water is dripped all over me. My bud Isaac jumps out of the car and pulls her off of me. We run back to the car and skirt out of there. I would not recommend this for the faint of heart (men).
Posted 9/5/226 out of 21 found this review helpful
Ghosts are real
I lived on North Dwiggins and me and my sisters use to go to Reder Road to get a good scare. Heard many voices and Whispers. Heard plenty of phantom footsteps all around us.
Posted 12/8/215 out of 5 found this review helpful
Way back in the day
Went with a few friends on Halloween night back when we were in highschool. We all saw the person hanging in the tree, lots of orbs, screeching and moaning.
Posted 11/10/211 out of 1 found this review helpful
Don't go if you're a female
I went with friends for the 1st and last time tonight. I normally will go into any place that's haunted. Redder rd.... never again. I got pushed in the back, hard hooves on the path and no animals were around us, caught a figure with my camera pestering to one of my friends, and heard a voice saying leave. The fields on the other hand felt like something was calling me to go there and seen a dark figure follow us. So ummm noooo.
Posted 9/1/213 out of 6 found this review helpful
Very scary
I've been there at night and early in the morning and I've picked up on a lot of spirit's
Posted 6/8/211 out of 2 found this review helpful
Reder road
I am from Calumet township and 44 years old now!!! In high school after a party a few of us went to Reder road and mind you it was half way closed off!!! We seen many weird and strange things going on!!! My one buddy said I could have swore I saw a lady hanging from a rope in the tree and I obviously thought he was full of shit, but I looked back and seen it very quickly!!! Also, heard many sounds of moaning like someone was being tortured or something!!! Fact
Posted 4/24/211 out of 2 found this review helpful
I live on Dwiggins street and when I heard it was haunted I got scared
Posted 1/4/212 out of 4 found this review helpful
Ross cemetery
I've seen plenty of ghost around her grave . And to the one person who said she ain't burrows here come by all show you . I've lived here all my life
Posted 10/21/203 out of 3 found this review helpful
She is not buried there
My grandparents were caretakers of this cemetery for many years and are now buried there themselves. I researched due to so many disrespectful people destroying the cemetery and treating it like a fun house.
Posted 8/10/205 out of 6 found this review helpful
Follows you
Posted 7/24/203 out of 4 found this review helpful
I'm a 50 year old lifelong resident of Griffith. I have been in and through there many many times during the night in my life, and nothing unusual or weird ever happened. It's basically a road through a swampy area, so you're going to have mist and cold patches. It definitely was somewhat of a hotspot for dumping bodies throughout the years up until they closed it down, but I've never seen any orbs or anything else that others have claimed to see. And as far as the Elisabeth Wilson story, there is no grave marker in Ross Cemetery that bears that name on it...
Posted 5/31/209 out of 16 found this review helpful
stay out!
i went years ago with some friend and my boyfriend at the time. two of my friends chickened out and stayed in the car. there was a lot of spooky stuff that happened at first but nothing that i couldnt explain or blame on y imagination. but the one thing that to this day icant explain is the massive 7 foot tall figure floating a good 6inches off the ground that appeared in front of us. we all saw it at the same time. we literally all stopped at the same time, looked at each other, than ran the other direction. the scariest thing is that this thing was chasing after us!! and it was catching us fast. im getting chills now just thinking about it! it followed us all the way back to the griffith side of the entrance. it was definatley thrilling but i must say ill never go back. scariest thing ive ever gone through.
Posted 5/21/207 out of 8 found this review helpful
I live there
I have been livening here for the past year and I agree that my sister has seen lights and I have heard screams next to our pond but nothing was there I have ridden my atv out on the trail at around 12 am and the entire trail was nothing but cold patches once in a wile and felt like sombody was on the atv with me.
Posted 5/17/202 out of 3 found this review helpful
Great experience.
I went with my girlfriend at the time and a group of friends around Halloween 2006. We walked the entire trail, which what it is right now, just a trail. The actual road is closed now. We took a bunch of pictures and saw thick mist and orbs. In one of the pictures, it appeared as a figure hanging from a tree. I remember the girl that was developing our film at Walgreens actually called me to ask where I had taken these pictures from? When I told her Reeder Rd, she told me I was brave. I remember hitting "cold" spots while walking down the closed off Rd. It felt very eerie and just felt like we weren't the only ones there. I didn't see anything with my own eyes but the pictures we captured were proof enough that we were definitely on some paranormal level. On another occasion I went there and took pictures but no thick mist like the first time. However, I did hear screams like some girl was being murdered (possibly tortured). I know I heard them because others in my group heard them as well and you can hear dogs barking like crazy in the distance. We ran towards the screams because my first reaction was to help this person but we could never pinpoint exactly where the screams were coming from.
Posted 4/27/202 out of 4 found this review helpful
It's scarys but got unsettling pics
I went w my sister and one of her friends they ditched me so I went alone w my phone creepy to say the least fog rite out of a horror movie but I saw nothing I got a spooky vibe and stood still and started taking pics in a circle in complete succession and what I got scared me so bad I froze called them up I was almost at the end I did the 5 mil and had them come get me I was to scared to move when I find the pics I will post them 8 am having problems w my Facebook page and there on there sorry but I got orbs mist apparition of a man in a suite hat I got a strong smell of cigar smoke and the ones that scared me to death was demonic looking got two of it and it was looking directly at me!! I put a shield of white energy around me and stood my ground felt like hours then I saw the flash light and didn't move till I saw it was a real person I'll never go back
Posted 8/26/187 out of 9 found this review helpful
Been down it once
I've been down it before at night and took my camera , caught a lot of orbs in the pictures I took , but besides that nothing out of the ordinary happened that night .
Posted 8/15/183 out of 5 found this review helpful
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